New PDF release: Stealing Home: A Coach's Quest to Maximize Run Production in

By Kenny Hugo,John Alexander

excessive compliment from a myriad of recognized baseball veterans has greeted the discharge of “Stealing Home.” trainer Paul Mainieri of LSU and Florida nation skipper Mike Martin either hugely suggest the booklet. trainer Martin says, “If I have been beginning my training or taking part in profession this present day, this can be a e-book I’d are looking to read.” trainer Mainieri says, “If you propose to teach and need to construct a first class application, positioned this publication in your analyzing list.”

“Stealing domestic” is an inspirational memoir, according to the author’s studies training highschool baseball over a number of a long time in 4 states. Hugo, pressured to fabricate runs as a result of a scarcity of energy hitters at every one of his training stops, invented and subtle numerous concepts for buying runners to the plate. avid gamers, coaches and enthusiasts will thrill to the true existence tales of competitive offensive training. Hugo demands the thieve of domestic with out within the final inning of a tie video game in his school’s first playoff visual appeal in twenty years, supplying the e-book with its name. the implications are intriguing and fascinating.

Hugo additionally recounts options that backfired and those who labored splendidly, describes interesting contests and peculiar umpiring events with nice keep in mind. Descriptions of gamers with extraordinary pace, unorthodox batting kinds and excessive baseball IQs fill those pages. learn this booklet and you’ll regularly view the sport from a special perspective.

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Stealing Home: A Coach's Quest to Maximize Run Production in High School Baseball by Kenny Hugo,John Alexander

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